Courses Developed

Introduction to the Methods of Biblical Interpretation

I developed the course in Spring 2021, and I teach it as a required course for all majors in our department.

Course Description

A one-semester course that serves as an introduction to Biblical interpretation. It examines the process of interpretation, discusses the various methods of interpretation, and provides a basic practicum that (1) familiarizes students with various genres of scripture and (2) enables students to practice biblical interpretation on a variety of texts from both the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. This course covers seven criticisms: historical, textual, rhetorical, literary, form, liberation (theology), and postcolonial.

Advanced Greek I and II

I developed the course in Spring 2023, and I teach it as a part of our Greek program.

Course Description

Two courses that serve as the capstone of the Greek program. In them, students take the material learned in the prior courses and apply it to deep and meaningful engagement with the Scriptures. Students select passages they want to read in Greek and then also read commentaries about them. While reading, they use their knowledge of New Testament Greek (cf. GRK 200s) and its broader contextualization (cf. GRK 300s) to better understand each commentary’s material. The biblical passage and the commentaries then are discussed in class.

Intermediate Greek I and II

I developed the course in Spring 2022, and I teach it as a part of our Greek program.

Course Description

These courses are intermediate level Greek courses focused not only on translation and grammar but also on using Greek for better understanding Scripture in theologically- and historically-conscious ways. This course engages various texts from the ancient world, both biblical and extra/non-biblical, in parallel exercises.

Texts Translated in Excerpts
1 Clement, Apocalypse of Peter, Apology (Plato), Book of the Watchers, Deipnosophistae, Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Peter, Gospel of Thomas, Greek Magical Papyri, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Josephus's writings, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Philostratus) The Lover of Lies (Lucian), Martyrdom of Polycarp, New Testament, The Odyssey, Philo's writings, Psalms of Solomon, Septuagint (Genesis, Deuteronomy, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Psalms),

Texts Read only in English
11QMelchizedek (11Q13), 1 Enoch, Acts of Philip, Acts of Thomas, Contra Celsum, Jewish Scriptures via JPS, The Rule of the Community (1QS)

Classical Latin I and II

I developed the course in Spring 2023, and I teach it as a part of our Latin program.

Course Description

Two Latin courses that introduce students to Classical Latin including its vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. The goals of this course are the ability to read primary texts and to contextualize those readings within their social and historical settings—including the world behind, within, and created through the texts.

Readings in Classical Latin I and II

I developed the course in 2022, and I teach it as a part of our Latin program.

Course Description

Two Latin courses in which students engage fun and interesting texts from some of the most famous and influential classical authors: Caesar, Cicero, Virgil, Livy, Catullus, Ovid, and Pliny. The two courses also engage texts relevant to Christianity, including the New Testament in Latin (i.e., Jerome’s Vulgate), Pliny’s letter in 110 CE to the emperor about early Christians, and the later Roman empire’s official edicts that seek to remove pagan worship.

These courses are focused on (1) improving comprehension skills through translation and on (2) understanding the world behind, within, and created through the texts. Students will read both adapted (i.e., altered for easier comprehension) and unadapted (i.e., unchanged from manuscript traditions) texts, and helpful aides will be provided when appropriate. The approach of this course reflects Carson-Newman’s commitment to faith and learning within a liberal-arts context.

Introduction to Greco-Roman Religions

I developed the course in Fall 2021, and I teach it as an independent study.

Course Description

A one-semester reading course that surveys the various religious systems that existed alongside Judaism and the earliest stages of Christianity. The course includes extensive readings, required preparation, and thorough discussions of content. Students engage four well-established reference books on the following topics: Greek religion, Roman religion, mystery cults, and Jewish movements of the second century BCE to second century CE.

Latin for Students of Greek I, II, and III

I developed the course in Fall of 2020, and I teach it as an independent study.

Course Description

A three-semester course progression that teaches Latin to students who already know Greek. It includes newly created resources that contextualize Latin within a knowledge of Greek. The course emphasizes vocabulary, grammar, and reading proficiency.

Judaism(s) in the Second Temple Period

I developed the course in Spring of 2019, and it currently is not offered.

Course Description

A one-semester course that focuses on Judaism(s) from the construction of the second temple to its destruction. It includes primary sources from different developments within Judaism as well as readings from secondary sources that situate those primary sources within different frameworks for understanding Second Temple Judaism. These frameworks then are evaluated (1) alongside each other and (2) in light of the primary sources for the purpose of constructing a better understanding of Judaism and its variety during the Second Temple period.